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Stain (yellow)

Description: ZrPr Yellows (ZrPr/ZrPrSi, ZrPr)


Color Range
Very bright lemon yellow. The cleanest yellow stable at high temperatures.

Specific Gravity: 4.0-4.75

Stability/Kiln Atmosphere
Excellent in all types of glazes and bodies for firing at temperatures up to 1300C. Should preferably be fired in an oxidising atmosphere. Where slightly reducing conditions are encountered, zircon-praseodymium yellows have considerably greater stability than tin-vanadium yellows.

Suitable for blending with all other types of ceramic colors. Widely used in blends with zircon-vanadium blues to produce very clean, bright and stable shades of green, the specific gravities of the two being similar enough to avoid the risks of color separation.

Relatively high.

Note: This description is taken from information provided by Blythe Matthey and may or may not apply to stains of this family from other companies.

Related Information


Oxide Analysis Formula
Materials Stain
Typecodes Colorant
Metallic based materials that impart fired color to glazes and bodies.
By Tony Hansen
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