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Oxide Analysis Formula
SiO2 72.04% 7.78
Al2O3 14.42% 0.92
K2O 4.12% 0.28
Na2O 3.69% 0.39
CaO 1.82% 0.21
FeO 1.68% 0.13
Fe2O3 1.22% 0.05
MgO 0.71% 0.11
TiO2 0.30% 0.02
P2O5 0.12% 0.01
MnO 0.05% -
Oxide Weight 649.79
Formula Weight 649.79


The chemistry shown here is from the wikipedia page, it is an average from around the world. Obviously there will be quite a bit of variation from this in each local area since the mineral proportions of quartz and feldspar can vary alot.

An example of another approximate analysis of a pink granite in the USA:
CaO 0.4
KNaO 8.4
Al2O3 13.1
SiO2 77.1
Fe2O3 0.8
This is quite similar to the average (being lower in iron, lower in CaO, higher in SiO2.

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By Tony Hansen
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