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Pyrotrol 2004

Description: Andalusite/Pyrophyllite Ore

Oxide Analysis Formula
K2O 0.20% 0.01
Na2O 0.20% 0.02
TiO2 0.40% 0.03
Al2O3 17.50% 1.00
SiO2 78.30% 7.59
Fe2O3 0.40% 0.01
LOI 2.80%n/a
Oxide Weight 565.37
Formula Weight 581.66


The Pyrotrol group of mineral products offers a controlled blend of milled Andalusite/Pyrophyllite ores designed to control strinkage in whiteware ceramic applications. Alumina contents are controlled to meet certain specifications. Pyrotrol produces an excellent kiln car wash and is an inexpensive coating material for facebrick production.

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Materials Pyrotrol


Bulk Density lbs/cu. ft. (Packed) 45
Pyrometric Cone Equivalent 26
Sieve Analysis Dry +200 mesh: 3.5%
Density (Specific Gravity) 2.80
By Tony Hansen
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