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Company | Hage Industries s.a (Burkina Faso) |
Address | kassodo industrial area, Hage Industries, Ouagadougou, Ouagadougou 01 BP 915 BF |
Phone | +226 70 11 91 77 | | |
Home Page | |
Personal URL | |
Services | He is a Ceramic Engineer,graduated in June 1996 from Banaras Hindu University, India. He is an expert in the processing of ceramic materials for bodies, engobes, and glazes for ceramic tiles as well as polished porcelain tiles. Having a wide knowledge for maintaining quality production with low cost from the size of 10 X 10cm to 120 X 180 cm tiles. |
Take Ownership | Coming soon (edit this listing via Magic-Link to registered email for this record) For now, please message us for a temporary link. |
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