Digitalfire Logo (OnLine Insight) (214)

"You are due many complements on your site and software. I usually have your A - Z materials dictionary open in my web browser."

"I use the site often and appreciate all the information you share so willingly. Mostly the site is a fantastic reference and has profoundly improved my understanding of glaze chemistry."

"Hey Tony, thanks so much for developing such a useful software. I have come to digital fire for countless questions I have had with clay and glazes."

"Love Insight-live. Have been using it a few months and now that I know my way around a bit, I have come to rely on it. Love having a web based program, since I bounce between Windows on several machines and also a Chromebook."

"Love the post (about leaching in glazes). I am the bad guy on Facebook ceramic because I always bring up this subject. So sad."

"Thanks again for your website. It has helped me no end."

"Thank you again for the amazing website and wealth of information!!! InsightLive is proving to be an incredible asset as well!!!"

"I love insight BTW. I have been showing everyone at Alfred how easy it is to do UMF while comparing two recipes next to each other. The up and down toggles make it easy to understand cause and effect. They are also impressed how easily i can switch between my computer and smartphone and maintain all my work and recipes. BTW I just love insight. It has changed my experience and knowledge of glazes drastically. "

"Great software!"

"Thank you for your very informative website - it is a real help to one who has spent 40 years potting."

"I just wanted to say, thank you! I’m relatively new to pottery, taking a mostly self-taught approach and I’m at the stage where glazing is in my mind. I don’t want to be (and can’t see myself ever) buying glazes from commercial suppliers. I want to learn my craft with glaze as much as I do with my clay preparation and pottery making. I’ve seen “the dragon” and been uninspired by so much of what I find online and to be honest, in many glaze books. It seems more popular to try and present a mass of glaze possibilities than to offer a learning experience beyond being told a glaze needs a melter, a refractory and a glass-maker. Enough to offer a very basic understanding, but nothing upon which to build the understanding that will allow some degree of mastery (or at least influence) of your glaze making. I am so pleased to have found You’ve shown me exactly how to approach and understand glazing, giving me the foundation for approach I sought. I was thinking of base glazes and what you’ve shown me about working on from those is fantastic and exactly what I was looking for. To have a reliable base glaze to modify and develop to meet different needs; to understand how to shift a melting point or adjust the surface gloss; to come to know how the mechanisms in a glaze and understanding them gives me the route to creating glazes that realize my intentions - wow! I can’t thank you enough. Rather than having to form a dumb reliance on a book of recipe cards and a bunch of website bookmarks (which I wasn’t wanting to go for) you’ve given me the foundation for a lifelong development and understanding of the glazes I will make, that will become “my” glazes. You have really opened my mind to the whole subject and it doesn’t seem to be a problem that I’m no scientist or chemist. You’ve shared your knowledge in a way that is completely approachable and remarkably easy to understand for someone without any kind of science/chemistry background. "

"This site is an amazing resource. I'm getting back into pottery after about a 25-30 year hiatus, and back then technical information like what you share was almost impossible to come by."

"Your site, I think, is the best source of information on ceramics that I have found. I have always wanted to know how things work rather than just doing it because someone said so. Your site gives reasons why and how to apply what you have learned! I've learned much from you and now I am enrolled in chemistry classes to better understand what you present on your site. Thank your for the Digital Fire Website and the Insight-live Site."

"Thanks for sharing your extensive knowlege with the clay community."

"And I want to add - you are doing a magnificent job with your webpage. Just unbelievable amount of work and information you put there. I have learned a lot from your webpage. Thank you. "

"Thank you for the amazing information. I couldn’t find an online ceramics class that I could take to learn about clay and glaze chemistry, so I am thankful that I found this. Is there a way I can donate to support the site?"

"I think you have done a great job in developing the on-line version. It is very easy to use. We meet once a month to discuss any glaze problems, test glazes in teams, and I do a presentation on an aspect of glaze chemistry. One day, I said something technical and one of the member's jaw dropped and she said "Hey, I just realized I understood what you said". It was a proud moment."

"Thank you so much for the fantastic info and knowledge you provide for us potters on your page!"

"Many thanks for your time and trouble, re the information cone 6. You are a wealth of generosity and help to the home Potter. "

"I am a production potter and I have been using your website for information, and I have made many improvements from articles posted on this site."

"Thanks for this and for the incredibly useful information on your sites."

"Sure do like Insight and I've switched to using the live version. It's excellent! "

"I am learning so much from your website, even after 33 years in business as a ceramic producer."

"Tony, you're a gentleman and a scholar. Thanks for the information. I'm a self-taught potter living in Hansville, WA. could not have done it without your scientific approach and papers. "

"This article was very interesting and prompted me to write to thank you for the fantastic resources of DigitalFire and Insight-Live. I'm a fairly new potter---both to the craft and glaze chemistry---and your scientific approach is an absolute treat compared to vague advice often trafficked outside of industry. Furthermore, Insight is a wonderfully powerful tool which has defined how I approach testing and analysis of clay and glazes. It's incredibly refreshing to have information usually buried under the expense and jargon of industry journals and textbooks freely available."

"I teach glaze technology at ... the information that you display on your this website is absolutely fundamental for my teaching."

"I've said it before, but I can't say it enough, thank you for all your work on digitalfire and insight."

"Reported me for spamming Sept 2022."

"Let me begin by saying thank you! The resource you have provided is immensely valuable! Ive learned more from your website than I did during grad school.. jokes on me. Thank you for everything!"

"The chemistry from G3806E really helped me with fixing a copper that I could never get to stop blistering before, so I'm a big fan."

"First i'd love to thank you for all the info you provide on digitalfire. it is an absolutely amazing resource and the way that you explain glaze chemistry/reactions has really helped expand my practice...I crave understanding and wisdom."

"Your site is amazing and your videos too. Such an inspiration."

"Dear tony: Nice work keep it up! "

"Thanks Tony. You are offering a very valuable service to the potters."

"Tony, I looked at Insight Live today more carefully. It is quite an accomplishment! Congrats to you! "

"Many, many thanks for DigitalFire! It is a wonderful collection of information and experience. "

"I personally think that collaborations with the greatest expert in the sector makes me richer in knowledge and it will allow me to discover the fantastic secrets of ceramic."

"I wanted you to know that, you have a fantastic program. Every serious potter should use it. And it would be a good starting curriculum for high school and college to learn from. Thanks for, I would imagine, many hours in developing time. Kudos sir. I hope, by God's good will that I will be able to enjoy it for any years to come."

"May 2023 wants to teaching glaze, defect solving workshops "

"I have longed admired your website, and everything you've contributed to better understanding ceramic technology."

"Thank you very much for publishing - it's a wonderful resource and I've enormous respect for the enormous dedication you've put into it over the last 3 decades - thank you very much!"

"THIS IS FRIGGIN' AMAZING! YAY! NOW I NEED GLAZE MATERIALS! WOOT! I'm blown away by your site. I'm totally going to geek out on this I can tell. Item #1 on my agenda is to stop being at everyone else's mercy for glazes."

"I don't know who you are but you are 100% awesome. I didn't know anything about glazes and clays but then I stumbled upon your site and it is a gift to the world. I wanted to thank you."

"Having explored and taken lots of advice from your site, I just wanted to say what a brilliant and informative site it is."

"Just wanted to say thanks for such a great and useful product. Been learning via pen & paper, which I don't regret, but I should've signed up a lot sooner. "

"I am a high school senior AP ceramics student investigating glaze chemistry and rheology. I spend a great deal of my free time browsing the digitalfire reference library, and would have never developed the passion I have for ceramics chemistry had I not come across it."

"Let me be the next person to thank you for putting this amazing material together. Insight-live + Digitalfire has catapulted me up the learning curve."

"Tony, you are wonderful!"

"First of all I'd like to convey all my gratitude and an immense thank you for all the work and research that you make available for the ceramic community, it is invaluable."

"Am learning to use Insight, love the articles in the reference database. Thank you for everything you have done and are doing."

"I am eternally indebted to you for all that you have done to advance the technical abilities of non-industrial pottery! I love using Insight."

"My glazes activities are seasonal anyway. In the summer i make pots in winter I think about chemistry and sit at a PC. I looked at your pricing again and it is indeed reasonable."

"Thank you! Tony for all of the impressive work that you have contributed to our industry over the years. Your glaze work has been super helpful."

"As many other users on the web, I want to congratulate you for your amazing digital fire website. "

"Thank you for this web site. Really thank you. I live in fear that it will disappear one day, so don’t ever delete it please!"

"I think the work you do with glaze chemistry is invaluable and amazing. And unique to the industry."

"Thank you very much for creating these examples and explanations. I am getting a much better understanding for why Frits are so much better. Now that I am digging into InSight-Live and manipulating the chemistry, this documentation is the main place where I can find the facts and suggestions that help clear up my questions. Thank you for creating such a very practical and wonderful upgrade . The interface is so nice and even forgiving. Thank You Very Much,"

"I would like to thank you, I have looked through books and books and books, and here you are with so much fantastic information about what to do with the free clay that we can find outside. Even just saying that the clay has to be dry when you put it in water, what an eye opener. I am so amazed how well this works. "

"The program is brilliant and I am thoroughly enjoying it!"

"I am a long time fan. I bought your downloadable book long ago and still refer to it frequently. Has bunches of my notes in it too. It expanded my college training with glaze chem. Appreciate you."

"When it comes to new technology, I'm still thrilled with the chainsaw as apposed to an ax. I really do like glaze testing. You see a recipe in a book but it doesn't do you a lot of good until you can see it on a tile."

"Planarity in 1200c tile May 2018"

"This is really cool. Thanks for sending this to my email."

"Your site is a fantastic resource, I recommend it to everyone."

"Thanks for doing the timeline. I’ve told you before but it never hurts to say it again, this is great stuff and I get so much info from your posts. Extremely valuable!"

"I have mostly used store bought glazes and fooled around some with stains. I have never approached anything scientifically. Your website seems wonderful. Seems that I could spend a few years with what you have shared. I will start with one of the base recipes and let the fun begin."

"First, I love your site so much! Thank you for the countless hours that have been put into this!"

"You are such a godsend, Tony. Even though I taught ceramic science for 30 years I find myself constantly using your site and learning something every time. Just want to say thanks, thanks, thanks…."

"I join others (I'm sure) in thanking Tony for the incredible resource that is the digital fire library, and for the insight glaze calculation software and now website. Not a week goes by when I don't use all three of them and usually quite extensively."

"I'm a brand new "student" of glazes and clay bodies, and I have used your site as an incredible complete information source. Thanks for that. "

"We've referred to your site so many times over the last year and I can't express how incredibly valuable a resource it is."

"You are a real gem, your work really help me a lot."

"I love all the tips and insight live is a lot of fun as well as being an amazing tool. Thanks"

"The articles contained very helpful. I work for luxury table ware well known brand from UK. "

"You have no clue how much this site has inspired and helped me develop my love for ceramics and chemistry."

"I have been following your Site and posts continually and gained a greater understanding. Thank you for that. It is so exciting to have a positive outcome from your glazes rather then the bought glazes. ... All good and exciting. My pottery clients are excited and have recognized the difference. There is nothing better than to pass on the best work possible to those who love the pots. So much work and testing, but well worth it. Thank you so much. "

"We love your work with Digital Fire. You've single handedly breathed life into many, many ceramics companies through your generous approach to sharing information. I can't tell you how valuable we have found your content to be. Thank you. "

"Your website and program have been a priceless resource for me on my journey to understanding glazes."

"And I don't know how to thank you enough for your help with your website. What a wonderful and complete tool you provide!"

"Please continue this brilliant service!"

"I must say you have so so much good information and with examples that it is nothing less than outstanding. I've added another year to my account. Thank you!"

"I'm accepting the challenge. First: find/develop a good base recipe. One for clear and one for celadon. Then add the colors. And play with "surface." Experiment. Keep impeccable notes. Change one variable at a time. Yada, yada."

"I read your articles for years, and it really helped me to better understand ceramics."

"On a small aside. I want to thank you for all the work you have done over the years, firstly to inspire people like myself to see the technical side of ceramics as such a beautiful side of the art and not just a finished result that was lucky. And on that note with how much I read your blog, waiting for daily posts, reading all the old articles again and again, I see your mugs with the wheat grass on them all time, and was wondering if you ever put them up for sale. It's been an icon of my learning and would love to have one of the infamous mugs themselves."

"Thank you so much for this wonderful resource you have created! I have found all of the information in the Digital Fire database as well as Insight to be incredibly helpful tools in the ceramic world."

"Had quite quite a few problems learning to enter recipes."

"I am a big fan of your work. I want to thank you for being there when I have needed and hopefully I will be able to carry on without much input from you. I will be renewing my subsrciption soon and I extol the virtues of the program (and now the Cloud version) to everyone that will listen."

"Just to tell you that digitalfire and insight-live are the best online resources I have come across! Thanks for all the work that has gone into your websites."

"First I want to thank you for the service you're providing the ceramics community at large."

"First, I want to thank you for all the help we got from Digital Fire; thank you very much for this huge work and to share it like that."

"Please know that your work is really benefiting me in my work. I really was helped by your information about drop and soak at cone 6. I've had trouble with an otherwise beautiful glaze which develops blisters. Thanks for your 'Insight!'"

"I am a potter of over ten years and am now in this year paying attention to my glazes and what goes in to them. It's been an awesome journey with plenty of "ah ha" moments and exponentially more "what the..." moments. Regardless of what I'm feeling, digital fire is so far the best resource I've encountered. I’ve been going about glazes all wrong, following recipes and stabbing in the dark hoping to find one that Works for me... well, it’s not working! I’m devoting my time to explore glaze chemistry even more than I have and to do this I am convinced I can not go forward efficiently without a test kiln. THANK YOU for these wonderful resources!"

"I discovered your website after trial and failure for 35 years. WOW ! The questions you have answered for me and the knowledge are immeasurable To think I am going to get past the Science and onto the Art makes me near giddy. Your site is amazing. My college age kids are going to be dazzled I did this. Every single college ceramic studio should know about your site. I want to tell them! "

"First of all, thank you SOOOO MUCH for all that you do for the pottery community. This site is such a wealth of information and the work and time you put into maintaining and updating it astounds me."

"Insight live is great...!"

"I'll feel sorry for the world when you're no longer around to produce such content. "

"Awesome program you have!"

"Sir, I'm a big fan and pupil of you from India. I am 27 years old. I always read digital fire. I share with my mates to understand the ceramic from digital fire. "

"I have everything hand written in my notes from my glaze void, but obviously, is not searchable. It's great what you've done."

"Extremely useful resource Digital Fire. By the way your writing style is truly unique and is easily understandable even though of technical nature. "

"The knowledge and information you share on digital fire is a rare gem on the internet. I greatly appreciate your writing style. To the point and full of facts. I am wanting to be more active in my glaze creation and begin to make my own glazes. This, to me seems like a huge step away from the safe and what I know of the glazes I have been working with."

"If you didn’t know yet (most people don’t really express how they feel so I’m talking on behalf of the whole pottery community), you have become our most trusted & valuable ‘all things pottery’ resource. Thank you for your time, and the wisdom you share with all of us. I’m a humble newbie and i want to tell you how much I rely on the information you post and how much I appreciate everything you do. I want to name you ‘the clay angel!’."

"It’s been now a couple of weeks that I learn everyday with you and your amazing project. I find your way of tackling experiments clear, practical and smart. I wish more quality content like yours was available on all of my interest topics! "

"Absolutely love the insight-live web app."

"Your information has really been a Godsend to so many challenges we have overcome. All of your efforts have really made such a HUGE difference in our studio, rarely is there a day where your shared knowledge directly or indirectly is part of my life. We are eternally grateful for what you have unknowingly (until now) done for us."

"A short, but comprehensive description with lots of needful information like yours is rarely to be found in the internet. Bravo!"

"I love your software and I really appreciate you being there when I need help. Keep on being amazing. I am still enjoying insight every day. You were right - having it in the cloud is a huge advantage."

"This article on porcelain is terriffic. I've been slip casting my own porcelain formula for nearly 40 years, and wish I had read it way back when I was first starting out! You provide exceedingly useful information- especially pertaining to the difficulties of trying to maintain consistency in a world of materials that are changing rapidly or disappearing entirely!"

"I take this opportunity to appreciate your efforts in sharing all the information related to ceramics on the Digital Fire website. It is really helpful. I am from India. We work towards reducing mining for natural resources by 60% through making (fired) recycled ceramic products."

"Superb. Very interesting study (about frit melting behaviour). Wow. What a patient effort!"

"I've really appreciated using your software."

"I am doing pottery now for abut 40 years and nowhere else I could find such an extensive, complete, to the point collection of information than in Digitalfire!"

"How amazing it is to have personal contact on such an amazing technical site and I can’t express my gratitude for your generous spirit. "

"I work at a small, but rapidly growing custom slip-cast studio. The first few years were a learning curve gauntlet that, in retrospect, I am surprised we exited intact. This preface is to give a sense of how in debt I am to your research and hard work. I have had to learn as I go along, and the information you provide at has been indispensable, and, quite frankly, an excellent cover for my ignorance on countless occasions! It is also the only source of information about many ceramics topics that I feel I can trust, knowing that it has been backed up with careful consideration and testing. Thank you again."

"Thanks Tony for your excellent stuff. I am learning a lot. Its of complete knowledge at ease. God bless you !!! "

"I wish to thank you for letting people like me use the information you have on the endless glaze articles you do, for free. Yes I am embarrassed not contributing but sadly currency exchange rates makes payment at the moment way out of my league. However, should you prefer I don't use your amazing site please let me know. Again my thanks for the glaze education I am getting from you."

"If, like Japan, Canada had a custom of selecting certain artisans as “national treasures“ you would certainly qualify - not only for your expertise as a ceramic chemist, but for your compassion for us less expert potters!"

"You are brilliant .. You have provided so much info that is great. I have been a full time potter for 44 years and am still learning. Thank you so much for your generosity in sending this very pertinent information to me. It certainly has me thinking I should sign on to Digital Fire. Thanks again."

"This site is an incredible resource and I just want to thank you for it. It fills in so many gaps from my studio art ceramics education and has made me more confident in the pieces I sell. I reference it almost weekly and have recommended it to so many other potters. The ceramics world is better off learning and applying this wisdom and I'm so happy to see someone teach so technically and seriously about the material. Culturally, there is a casualness in the pottery world (whether in community studios or school art rooms) that is borderline negligent in some ceramic circles and I just really appreciate when I see someone pursuing excellence and technical mastery of the material. Because it really matters!"

"I spent most of yesterday playing with the “new” (to me) version of insight on line. I love it, it is faster and eventually easier to use. And by the way, thank you for creating and maintaining the enormous data base of ceramic materials and making it available for anyone to use. What a wonderful gift to all of us interested in ceramics."

"Thank you for all of the information you publish on your website. Digitalfire has been my primary resource for researching raw materials and I will be soon be subscribing to Insight. Thank you so much for all of your work. My fellow students and I refer to your website almost daily. "

"I am a long time admirer of your ceramics data base and teach at ... University."

"I just wanted to express my appreciation for digital fire. It's an invaluable resource that I've been using since I was 18 years old (more than a decade). Keep up the amazing work."

"Thank you very much for your website, as a amateur Potter I find it an incredibly useful source of information about all kinds of things pottery related and when I'm trying to make glazes for example I will often refer to your website for guidance."

"First, thank you for your site. I am approaching the subject from a more technical side of things rather than decorative or functional pottery but I have found the knowledge you share to be some of the most practical and useful information I have seen anywhere."

"Your site is a crucially important one, and I'm happy to help you, even in small ways. "

"I write to appreciate your good works by way of the articles you made available on the net .. Thanks a million for your good work. From Nigeria."

"I just found your website, and am thrilled to see documented experimentation in ceramics. At 77 years old, I have taken up pottery and I enjoy every aspect. At the university I took courses through the 500 level, but never saw anything that approaches your site."

"I'd just like to say that I love Digital Fire and I'm on here pretty much everyday. It has been soo helpful. Even though I am still leaning and exploring what I can do with the program it has been a huge help, and I believe it will be for years to come. I'm such a fan of your glaze software and tell all them members here .. what a tremendous asset it is to my practice. "

"God, I love your posts. Your website is my first go-to for learning about glazes and firing schedules!"

"So appreciative in general for your work and writing on digitalfire. I've learned a lot. Truly invaluable. My background is in science - I really appreciate and gel with the curiosity and experimentation you bring to the field, structured knowledge and approach, not to mention the open access and tracker-free site. Really cuts through the noise, and there's a lot of it. Thank you!!"

"I want to thank you for creating all that extensive and wonderful material in Digital Fire and Insight Live. I have started with the process of creating my own glazes a little bit more than a year ago, process that I found exciting and challenging and thanks to your websites it has been a lot easier!"

"I have really been enjoying using insight."

"I just want to say THANK YOU for this incredible database of information. Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

"I've literally been using your website for Glaze chemistry since I was a neophyte in Glaze making I didn't think you were a singular person I thought it was a corporation of people who made the website."

"So many times each day… I am pointing myself to your work and website. Thank you for an amazing resource."

"Thanks for your amazing resources at digital fire. They have been invaluable in understanding clay, as I’m getting started with ceramics. Your emphasis to focus on the chemistry has made the art of ceramic very accessible indeed. "

"Just to let you know your wealth of information and knowledge on digitalfire is second to none and very Impressive."

"WOW, WOW, WHAT GREAT INFO! thankyou! I am going to pass your site on to someone i know who is more keen on the science of glazes, than the potting, unlike me... she will love your test works and pics Wow! Thanks again. "

"I love getting them on a regular basis and wanted to let you know that I greatly appreciate all the knowledge you have shared with me over the years. Its made an enormous difference in the quality of my work."

"Thank you for your incredible library of information. I have a background in QA (Six Sigma) and Biology so I genuinely appreciate the information you've made easily accessible."

"It's very impressive work you do. Thanks you for providing it."

"Hello Mr. Hansen. Your site is AMAZING! I use it considerably. Thank you so much for all the information you offer! I tell all my students and friends in clay to come here to learn. "

"Thanks so much this info is so great!!"

"I simply want to let you know that the digitalfire reference library is a treasure. Every time I look it up I learn something new, and I have a hard time to tear myself away. I have a number of books on my shelf, but if I had to choose just one reference source, it would be digitalfire. There is an enormous amount of work behind all the entries in the library. For me, it has enriched my practice and helped me advance in a way that cannot be measured."

"I have done production pottery at cone 10 and 5 for 40 years, but during almost of full year of downtime due to COVID, I am exploring low fire terra cotta. Digital fire is an amazing resource. Thank you so much."

"The body of work you present, and the obvious attention you have paid to your website, is quite noteworthy. To me it’s a bit like AutoCad: it has everything, but you need training in how to use it!"

"BTW, thanks for creating such a great site."

"I'd like to say that I am so thankful for all the work you have done by creating and hosting Digitalfire. It has been an unparalleled resource for me as I learn more and more about glaze chemistry. I really enjoy your articles and photo comments and I'm just fascinated by the well of knowledge that seems to spring forth from them. "

"I am truly grateful for the remarkable resource you have built for the community."

"I keep telling people that I just found the best ceramic website on the internet. Paid for an account on insight live."

"Thank you so much for visiting my site. It really means so much to me, being that the info and recipes on Digitalfire helped me SO much and greatly contributed to where I am today with my pottery. I am so grateful for all of the information you share!"

"You are an essential source -- I am a huge fan and spread the word when someone asks me a technical question."

"You have done a remarkable job of collecting and compiling useful information regarding ceramic science and technology. Thanks for what you have done and continue doing. "

"Your site is great! It is so good to have your site as I venture into making my food-safe glazes. I live in São Paulo, Brazil, so the raw materials here naturally can be very different from the ones in most of the books and websites, as we don't have much of that available here. So your site is the only that I have found so far that is really helpful if you want to start from scratch, so thank you! Its like my dream as a potter to make beautiful, lasting and safe ware so your website and insight-live are invaluable sources of information for me. I am so glad to be able to work with this! I really admire your work and tell my students about your website. Here in Brazil, studio ceramics is not a very developed area. Many people don not even know/care about being precise and knowledgable about safety with glazes. So your website is like an oasis in the tropical desert."

"As a side note: most of the students did access your information in their presentations. I found it interesting that your work is becoming foundational."

"I should mention beforehand that you, as well as Insight, have become the “go to” reference for all technical aspects of my work and those of other potters I know. It has become an invaluable resource. Congratulations on your academic approach to everything ceramic."

"I would like to honour my commitment to the great work you do. It is an invaluable resource! Just a huge thank you!"

"Your work is so thorough and helpful Tony. When I read your articles I suddenly feel I know nothing, despite working professionally with ceramics since 1997! "

"First off, I want to thank you for building Digitalfire. It is an incredibly valuable ceramic resource."

"I have learned alot from you."

"Your Digital Fire is so important in this community!"

"I wanted to let you know that I greatly appreciate all the knowledge you have shared with me over the years. Its made an enormous difference in the quality of my work."

"Your site is the most useful of them all for material info. and more. Thank you."

"Your website is such a valuable and dependable wealth of knowledge. I’ve had a break from ceramics for a couple of years and have loved that I’ve been able to return to the Insight Live database for my recipes and have read countless articles of yours on glazes. Thank you!"

"I have used the digital fire database for years and am beyond grateful for your work."

"I am a ceramic manufacturing manager, and before this position, I had no training on ceramics. I was taught our recipes, but none of it was explained. The dragon ran amok. After reading through your articles and descriptions, I feel I have learned so much about my own products, and I have a foundation for changing, improving, and troubleshooting my materials issues that I wouldn't have had otherwise. They taught us in engineering school that we all stand on the shoulders of giants, because we all get to use knowledge and tools at a moment's notice that took others years to develop. Thank you for sharing all that you have, so the rest of us can stand on your shoulders to do our work that much better."

"I have found your website to be extremely helpful because of your analysis of glaze chemistry and other information too. I have been able to mix all my own glazes and troubleshoot with the information you provide. I want you to know how much you're helping fellow potters all over the country and I truly appreciate your generosity in sharing the information."

"THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH for your continuing contributions to the ceramic world! [Yes, all caps is shouting, intentionally so!] I've been following Digital Fire for about 25 years now. Many of those years passed with my studio packed in crates in storage. I now have leads on space to reopen. You've kept my passion alive through your postings."

"What would we do without you?!??!"

"In the 4 decades or so of my academic career, glaze chemistry was one of my favourite subjects, though it was too 'scientific' for most students! Your Insight-Live programme is really super! Thanks once again for all you are doing to keep the discipline alive and kicking."

"Renewed today, your site is invaluable to me. I will continue to re-up until they take the sponge out of my cold hand! Thanks."

"Yet again, you provide a quick answer not easily found elsewhere (a bowl was befuddling me with wall cracks that never made it to any edges.)"

"I am a Brazilian potter and, despite my difficulty with the English language, I have learned a lot from this site. I want to thank you very much for the immense help you give me in the "most difficult times". "

"Thank you so much for your guidance and the tools you develop to help interested potters."

"Thanks, Your enthusiastic new subscriber."

"Learning ceramics has been a long process full of tests, frustration but at the end full satisfaction once we learn more every day... Thank you for your website, I use it for constant reference"

"I'm glad I was of some small service. Your whole venture is a marvel. All the best as we go forward."

"I am a computer/tech guy and was drawn to your info because it is systematic, detailed and comprehensive. I started pottery and wheel throwing January 2018 on my 59th bday. I am ecstatic! "

"Thank ou for this website! Your information is incredibly valuable. It is the Crown Jewel of the Online Pottery community."

"Muchas gracias por su trabajo, tan meticuloso y de tanta ayuda para comprender los procesos cerámicos."

"I'm a professional potter from Western Australia with a 30 year career - self taught. I came across Digitalfire when researching raw materials - an incredible resource you've put together!"

"First of all I want to say that your website is just incredible. So many great information and tips!"

"Digitalfire is just jaw-droppingly awesome. Thanks for all your hard work."

"Thanks! I look forward to seeing your posts. I have read and printed many things you have posted over many years. Have learned a lot from you."

"You have such a brilliant analytical mind, able to find solutions to many ceramic problems. You have accomplished so much in your life, helping us potters understand what we are doing. I cannot thank you enough for your vast ceramic reference library online. I think you are a national treasure. "

"I have to say as the subject says i am completely blown away by the amount of valuable information I have just taken in over around 4 hours or reading through your vast content and watching your videos on youtube! I am now a big fan and will for sure sign up with an insight live account as soon as I can!"

"Thanks for creating "google" for Pottery Industry. Very thoughtful presentation. I am sure thousands will be benefitted."

"Your website is like a encyclopedia for ceramics, whatever problem I have I first go to your website and refer to it and learn and understand about it. Thank you so much for your patience and time for helping."

"I'm definitely a fan, I can see how hyper-focused you are on ceramics and it's nice to learn from you, but also I like the intensity, you've been doing this for decades. I'm kind of curious if you're autistic too, your level of focus is unusual for neurotypical folk. Anyhow, thank you for your research and hard work. They have benefited me a great deal, and a lot of the things I've learned from you I haven't seen elsewhere."

"Thank you for all your hard work in making this website for potters to use. We share it with everyone who comes to our store to better help answer their tougher clay questions or get them that extra education they're looking for. It's an indispensable resource. "

"I appreciate all you do for the ceramic community. I follow and read all you put up, someday I pray for a better understanding of glazes and all that encompasses. "

"You have done more for the advancement of ceramic knowledge than anyone I can think of. Thanks again! The information you provide and the work you have done is invaluable. I can't tell you how many problems I have solved because of insight and the reference library! Thanks again for all of the help you have provided."

"Hey Tony, just like to say thanks for your fantastic site as it has been the best reference guide for my helper and I."

" I am self taught, as there are no ceramic degrees here in Perth and your website has been like my university degree."

"First, I want to say that I admirer your work. Your professional approach and your website are inspiring!! "

"A big thank you for sharing your vast knowledge through this site. I have spent many an hour scouring your articles and learning. Your depth of understanding of so many different aspects of ceramics often exceeds what is available in many books."

"Looking at your website, I have no doubts that there is no other person that would be so dedicated to the subject as you. It is a fact that you have a truly unique knowledge of how things are done, the materials and chemistry being used in such processes. Frankly, I do not complement people and their work easily but you are one of a kind person with some divine dedication to the technology. There are very few people like you and that is a fact. I just spoke with several so-called ceramics, frits and glazes experts and I have to say that they had somewhat limited knowledge while you cover incredibly wide spectrum of all affairs involved in to working with all those great materials. "

"I teach ceramics and have been doing it a long time. I am also a subscriber to your site. You are a Godsend and a wealth of information, and I appreciate you sharing your knowledge with our community. So I've been doing this a long time, and ceramics never ceases to humble me."

"Thank you for all the info you put into Digital Fire, it's an invaluable resource!"

"I want to first tell you that your site is amazing. i love the approach, the attitude, and the incredible information. the fact taht you share so much of your information to the public is truly wonderful. I recenly fell in love with ceramics and set up a home studio."

"Just read your page and I am awestruck!"

"After more than 50 years making pots, selling and teaching I’m done. Worn to a frazzle. I’ve returned to my first love, painting. Just wanted to let you know that over the years I’ve relied on you for information on materials and glazes. I’ve never been disappointed, and I owe you a big thanks. I’m only sad that I was not able to meet you in person. Peace, love and happiness."

"With a major in ceramics i have been working in the glaze lab of a big sanitary ware production company for about 3 years now. I want to tell you how much i appreciate the work that you do and the knowledge that you share, through out the 7 years that i have been studying and working in the Ceramics field. You have been the most important source of knowledge for me no one has ever taught me as much as you did through digitalfire. I truly love ceramics its quite a beautiful field to work in and i love and excel at what i do and big part of that is because of the guidance that you provide. And that really means alot to me to see a research or a test work out as i planned."

"I just want to thank you for this most interesting and informative article. I just did a general search for the compatibility of a stoneware glaze on porcelain, and your page came up! Wow! what a mine of information and just what I needed as I was also looking for a slip recipe for my students."

"Also thank you for the quality of your website, I've learned so much from it."

"I have not been potting for nearly 20 years. Your website is an oracle. Thank you."

"Thanks for the great application. I have removed GB from many of my recipes and I love learning so much about my glazes instead of just "going wonder how that glaze works". Your resource is invaluable. I will be a lifetime member."


"Anyway I thank you for your efforts in putting together this wealth of ceramic science in this accessible manner. "

"Tony - thank you so much! The information that you directed me is better than I could have imagined. I it has helped me learn more about how to drive a glaze formula design toward outcome objectives."

"Thank you for your time, and I am totally excited that I woke up to an email from Tony Hansen (I’m a big fan)"

"Love the email I got today about the clear glaze because I have an account! Thank you for all you do. These emails are a great idea."

"Awesome do great work!"